ipkg Feed for La Fonera

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Install packages via Network into La Fonera

ipkg Feed for La Fonera (FON social router) is available. Add this URL into /etc/ipkg.conf as follows, and you can install packages via network into your La Fonera.

root@OpenWrt:/# echo "src gcd http://www.gcd.org/fonera" >> /etc/ipkg.conf
root@OpenWrt:/# ipkg update
Downloading http://www.gcd.org/fonera/Packages
Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/gcd

After modification of /etc/ipkg.conf, run ``ipkg update'', and the list of feed will be saved in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/gcd

Then, run ``ipkg install <package>'' to install the package. Refer the help message shown by ``ipkg -h''.

NOTICE: ipkg 0.99.162 installed in the current La Fonera (archived in /bin/busybox) has a problem: you may remove a non-empty directory while running ``ipkg remove <package>'' (exactly saying, it's a bug of the rmdir implementation of mini_fo). BE CAREFUL! Removing important directories such as /lib causes serious problem. Use alternative ipkg (ex. bugfixed ipkg 0.9 sh script), or do not use ``ipkg remove <package>''.

Entries about La Fonera from Hiroaki Sengoku's Diary

Auto Update of La Fonera

La Fonera is updated automatically by /bin/thinclient called by cron. The following is a list of updates I studied:

0.7.0 rev 2 -> 0.7.0 rev 3 (upgrade.fon)
Modified: /usr/lib/webif/validate.awk
0.7.0 rev 3 -> 0.7.0 rev 4 (upgrade.fon) 0.7.0 rev 5 source
[WiFi] Set default encryption to WPA+TKIP.
Modified: /etc/init.d/rcS /sbin/ifup /www/cgi-bin/webif/*.sh
Changed: /lib/modules/2.4.32/wlan.o /lib/modules/2.4.32/ath_ahb.o
Added: /etc/hotplug.d/iface/10-ppp_hack
0.7.0 rev 4 -> 0.7.1 rev 1 (upgrade.fon) 2006-11-21 0.7.1 rev 1
[Web interface] Internationalization.
[Web interface] Port forwarding.
[NTP] Time Syncronization using ntpclient.
Modified: /bin/thinclient /etc/functions.sh /usr/lib/webif/*
Changed: /usr/bin/webif-page
Added: /etc/config/ntpservers /etc/config/openports /etc/config/webif /etc/init.d/N45ntpclient /usr/lib/webif/lang /usr/sbin/adjtimex /usr/sbin/ntpclient /www/cgi-bin/webif/adv_pf.sh /www/cgi-bin/webif/language.sh
0.7.1 rev 1 -> 0.7.1 rev 2 (upgrade.fon) 2007-01-03 16:00 UTC
[Web interface] Security holes in the Web interface have been closed.
[NTP] Flush previous ntpclient entries in crontab before registering.
Modified: /etc/init.d/N45ntpclient /usr/lib/webif/validate.awk /www/cgi-bin/webif/*.sh
Changed: /usr/bin/haserl
0.7.1 rev 2 -> 0.7.1 rev 3 (upgrade.fon) 2007-04-02 10:38 UTC
Modified: /bin/thinclient /etc/functions.sh /etc/init.d/N45ntpclient /usr/lib/qos.sh /usr/lib/webif/validate.awk /www/cgi-bin/webif/*.sh
Changed: /usr/bin/haserl
0.7.1 rev 3 -> 0.7.1 rev 5 (upgrade.fon) 2007-08-09 23:29 JST 0.7.1 rev 5 source
Modified: /bin/thinclient /etc/init.d/N50chillispot
0.7.1 rev 5 -> 0.7.2 rev 1 (upgrade.fon) 2007-10-01 19:20 JST
Modified: /etc/hosts /sbin/ifup
Added: dnsmasq-fon_2.38-1_mips.ipk coova_4-1_mips.ipk /www/status.sh
0.7.2 rev 1 -> 0.7.2 rev 2 (upgrade.fon) 2007-10-01 19:22 JST
Modified: /bin/thinclient
0.7.2 rev 2 -> 0.7.2 rev 3 (upgrade.fon) 2007-12-04 19:53 JST
Modified: /etc/init.d/N10conncheck /etc/init.d/N50chillispot

List of Feeded ipk Packages